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Yemen's economy


Basic information

Yemen overview 
(World Bank)

Economic development data profile  
(World Bank)

World Bank reports on Yemen 
List of reports, with links to full text

Index of documents on Yemen 
in the World Bank database

Yemen in brief 
General review of the economic situation, September 2001(World Bank)

IMF documents on Yemen 
List of documents in the database, with links to full text.

Economic Update  
World Bank quarterly bulletins on Yemen 2000-2004 (PDF)

Country Assistance Strategy for Yemen 
A 52-page report, May 1999 (PDF)

Basic economic facts  
(Arab Datanet)

The Yemeni riyal 
Exchange rate, plus fluctuations against the dollar over three and six months [zawya.com]

Yemeni currency
Pictures and details of current coins and banknotes.

Economic development

Key issues in the Yemeni economy  
by Gerd Nonneman, Lancaster University

Overview of American programmes in Yemen, with links to annual reports

Yemen in the 1990s: from unification to economic reform 
IMF Occasional Paper No 208, May 2002 (summary with details of how to order the complete text)

Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper 
IMF analysis, describing the existing poverty reduction strategy, and lays out the process for future development. December 2000. (PDF file)

Reformative process in the market and state in Yemen
by Prof Mohammed al-Maitami

Efforts of Economic Program and structural adjustment
by Prof Mohammed al-Maitami

Education as a strategic deterrent in a backward society (Yemen as a case)
by Prof Mohammed al-Maitami

"If Yemen is launching a war against corruption, we are your partners"
Christopher Ward of the World Bank interviewed by the Yemen Times

Yemen unity: economic prospects  
A comparison of the economies of north and south Yemen at the time of unification, by Prof. Yahya Almutawakel (Sana'a University)

World Bank Comprehensive Development Review 2000 
Covers a range of economic and social issues (PDF format)

Yemen: Forging a New Consensus  
World Bank, July 1999

Yemen's economic situation and its relations with Korea  
by Dr. Seong Min Hong 

Economic Notebook 
News and statistics (1999 and 1998 only)

Oil and gas in Yemen


Oil concessions in Yemen 
Map with details of blocks and companies, plus overview. (Source: PEPA). See also earlier map (circa 1997)

Petroleum Exploration and Production Authority

Ministry of Oil and Minerals

US Department of Energy  
Report on Yemen. Detailed information about oil, refining, natural gas and electricity, plus a general overview of developments and prospects.

Oil and gas statistics
(US Energy Information Administration)

Oil and gas in the Yemen
by Michael Whittall (British-Yemeni Society Journal, 1995)

Bab al-Mandab 
The importance to world oil trade of the strait connecting the Red Sea with the Gulf of Aden, and the potential effects of its closure (US Energy Information Administration)

Oil and the non-OPEC countries (including Yemen)  
US Energy Information Administration fact-sheet

Assortment of oil-related links
Korea Institute of the Mideast Economies (KIME)


Aden Free Zone 
The official website.

Aden Container Terminal (port-technology.com)

The development of the Port of Aden
by Capt. Roy Facey (British-Yemeni Society Journal, November 1998)

Aden port paces to prosperity through the Free Zone - Yemen Times, 6-Sep-99

US-Yemen trade 
Statistics since 1992 (US Census Bureau)

The EU's relations with Yemen 
(European Commission)

Yemen's trade laws 
(Ministry of Industry and Trade)

Yemen's trade (1996-2000) 
(Ministry of Industry and Trade)

Finance and investment

Central Bank of Yemen
Useful financial information

Commercial banks in Yemen 
List and contact details

Investment in Yemen 
Guide to the regulations (General Investment Authority)

Business opportunities in Yemen 
US State Department

Cable & Wireless  
History of the company's involvement in Aden

Central Bank statistics

Summary data

Monetary statistics  

Inflation: Consumer Price Index  

Money supply 

Treasury Bill auctions

Interest rates  

Daily exchange rate

Monthly exchange rate  


In the Yemen economy section


In the Yemen section



Economic activity

[Land use]

Land use


Population density


View statistics


Last revised on 06 August, 2015