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Amin Maalouf

Amin Maalouf was born in Beirut on 25 February 1949 to a Christian family. Educated and a French Jesuit school and later at the French University of Beirut, he writes in French. In 1975, on the outbreak of civil war in Lebanon, he moved to Paris, where he still lives.

Migration is a constant theme of his novels, where characters travel between lands, languages, and religions.

In 1993 he received the Prix Goncourt - the most prestigious French literary award - for 'Rock of Tanios'. Another novel, 'Origines', published in 2004, won the Prix Méditerranée.

Besides novels, he has written two opera librettos and several works on non-fiction, of which 'Crusades through Arab Eyes' is probably the best known.

Maalouf's website

Profile of Maalouf: Books and Writers

Biographical information: Wikipedia


Amin Maalouf



Deadly Identities 
By Amin Maalouf. Al-Jadid magazine, Vol. 4, No. 25 (Fall 1998).

Interview with Maalouf 
By Carole Corm. Al-Jadid magazine, Vol. 10, nos. 46/47 (Winter/Spring 2004).

Points East 
A review of Balthasar's Odyssey by Ian Sansom. The Guardian, October 12, 2002

A son of the road 
Profile of Maalouf by Maya Jaggi. The Guardian, November 16, 2002.

Literature map 
What else do readers of Amin Maalouf read?

Works of fiction

The First Century after Beatrice 
ISBN 0704370514. Purchase from amazon.com or amazon.co.uk

Leo Africanus 
ISBN 1561310220. Purchase from amazon.com or amazon.co.uk

Rock of Tanios 
(Prix Goncourt 1993) ISBN 0807613657. Purchase from amazon.com or amazon.co.uk

ISBN 1566562937. Purchase from amazon.com or amazon.co.uk

Gardens of Light 
ISBN 1566562481. Purchase from amazon.com or amazon.co.uk

Ports of Call 
(French title: 'Les échelles du Levant') ISBN 186046890X. Purchase from amazon.com or amazon.co.uk

Balthasar's Odyssey 
ISBN 155970702X. Purchase from amazon.com or amazon.co.uk

Opera librettos

Distant love 
Composer: Kaija Saariaho. French title: L'amour de loin, 2001

Adriana Mater 
Composer: Kaija Saariaho, 2003 


Crusades through Arab Eyes 
ISBN 0805208984. Purchase from amazon.com or amazon.co.uk

On Identity 
ISBN: 1860467296.Purchase from amazon.com or amazon.co.uk

In the Name of Identity: Violence and the Need to Belong 
ISBN 0142002577. Purchase from amazon.com or amazon.co.uk


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Last revised on 04 August, 2015