Solidarity with Syrians ... but which Syrians?

This week brings the first anniversary of the Syrian uprising, and the occasion will be marked by demonstrations against the Assad regime in various countries. One of them will be in London on Saturday and among those taking part, apparently, will be Lizzie Phelan.

Phelan, readers of this blog will recall, is the "independent journalist" who claimed that televised scenes of jubilation in Tripoli over the fall of Gaddafi were faked, and later in an interview with Russia Today claimed to have seen "massive" support in Syria for the Assad government.

Phelan has now declared her support for Saturday's demonstration – indeed, she says she will be speaking there – but she seems to have different ideas from the organisers as to what it is about. 

According to her blog, the aim is to "defend Syria against the illegal zionist and imperialist conspiracy". There's no mention of opposing the Assad regime and she urges people to show solidarity with those who are "defending their country's sovereignty with their lives". All very confusing.

Her blog also links to a video clip, but with a note saying: "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Like For Syria."

But hang on a minute. In a subsequent blog post it becomes clear that Phelan and the anti-Assad protesters are not talking about the same demonstration. It appears there will be two, both in London on Saturday afternoon.

This is the one Phelan will be attending – opposing "the western backed conspiracy against Syria" and supporting "the resistant Syrian state".

Posted by Brian Whitaker, 13 March 2012.