Draft resolution on Iraq

US draft of a proposed resolution on Iraq, put before the UN Security Council for a vote on 15 October 2003. (Co-sponsored by Britain, Cameroon and Spain.)



REAFFIRMING its previous resolutions on Iraq, including resolution 1483 (2003) of 22. May 2003 and 1500 (2003) of 14 August 2003, and on threats to peace and security caused by terrorist acts, including resolution 1373 (200 1) of 28 September 2001, and other relevant resolutions,

UNDERSCORING that the sovereignty of Iraq resides in the State of Iraq, reaffirming the right of the Iraqi people freely to determine their own political future and control their own natural resources, REITERATING its resolve that the day when Iraqis govern themselves must come quickly, and RECOGNIZING the importance of international support, particularly that of countries in the region, Iraq's neighbours, and regional organisations, in taking forward this process expeditiously,

RECOGNIZING that international support for restoration of conditions of stability and security is essential to the well-being of the people of Iraq as well as to the ability of all concerned to carry out their work on behalf of the people of Iraq, and welcoming Member State contributions in this regard under resolution 1483 (2003 ),

WELCOMING the decision of the Governing Council of Iraq to form a preparatory constitutional committee to prepare for a constitutional conference that will draft a constitution to embody the aspirations of the Iraqi people, and URGING it to complete this process quickly,

AFFIRMING that the terrorist bombings of the Embassy of Jordan on 7 August 2003, of the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad on 19 August 2003, and of the Imam Ali Mosque in Najaf on 29 August 2003, are attacks on the people of Iraq, the United Nations, and the international community, and DEPLORING the assassination of Dr. Akila al-Hashimi, who died on 25 September 2003, as an attack directed against the future of Iraq,

In that context, recalling and REAFFIRMING the statement of its President of 20 August 2003 (S/PRST /2003/13) and resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003,

DETERMINING that the situation in Iraq, although improved, continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security,


1. REAFFIRMS the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq, and UNDERSCORES, in that context, the temporary nature of the exercise by the Coalition Provisional Authority (Authority) of the specific responsibilities, authorities, and obligations under applicable international law recognised and set forth in resolution 1483 (2003 ), which will cease when an internationally recognised, representative government established by the people of Iraq Is sworn in and assumes the responsibilities of the Authority, inter alia through steps envisaged in paragraphs four through seven and ten below;

2. WELCOMES the positive response of the international community, in fora such as the Arab League, the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, the United Nations General Assembly, and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, to the establishment of the broadly representative Governing Council as an important step towards an internationally recognised, representative government;

3. SUPPORTS the Governing Council's efforts to mobilise the people of Iraq, including by the appointment of a cabinet of ministers and a preparatory constitutional committee to lead a process in which the Iraqi people will progressively take control of their own affairs;

4. DETERMINES that the Governing Council and its ministers are the principal bodies of the Iraqi interim administration, which, without prejudice to its further evolution, embodies the sovereignty of the State of Iraq during the transitional period until an internationally recognised, representative government is established and assumes the responsibilities of the Authority;

5. AFFIRMS that the administration of Iraq will be progressively undertaken by the evolving structures of the Iraqi interim administration;

6. CALLS UPON the Authority, in this context, to return governing responsibilities and authorities to the people of Iraq as soon as practicable and requests the Authority to report to the Council on the progress being made;

7. INVITES the Governing Council to provide to the Security Council, for its review, no later than 15 December 2003, in cooperation with the Authority and, as circumstances permit, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, a timetable and a program for the drafting of a new constitution for Iraq and for the holding of democratic elections under that constitution;

8. RESOLVES that the United Nations, acting through the Secretary-General, his Special Representative. and the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq, should strengthen its vital role in Iraq, including by providing humanitarian relief, promoting the economic reconstruction of and conditions for sustainable development in Iraq, and advancing efforts to restore and establish national and local institutions for representative government:

9. REQUESTS that, as circumstances permit, the Secretary-General pursue the course of action outlined in paragraphs 98 and 99 of the report of the Secretary-General of 17 July 2003 (S/2003/715);

10. TAKES NOTE of the intention of the Governing Council to hold a constitutional conference and, recognising that the convening of the conference will be a milestone in the movement to the full exercise of sovereignty, calls for its preparation through national dialogue and consensus-building as soon as practicable and requests the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, at the time of the convening of the conference, and as circumstances permit, to lend the unique expertise of the United Nations to the Iraqi people in this process of political transition, including the establishment of electoral processes;