
An open door to the Arab world


Country briefing






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News reports and articles

Latest news from Yemen

Blog posts about Yemen by Brian Whitaker

Other articles about Yemen by Brian Whitaker

Online news sources for Yemen

Special sections

The fall of President Saleh

The Houthi rebellion

Bombing of the USS Cole

Abu Hamza and the Islamic Army

Yemen's National Dialogue, 2013 

Basic information

History, politics, geography, economy and more

CIA World Factbook - Yemen

Nationmaster: Yemen
A compilation of facts and figures from many sources

BBC country profile - Yemen

Yemen: chronology and timelines

The Birth of Modern Yemen 
Yemen's political development since unification in 1990.

Population (1994 census)

Maps of Yemen

Local time

Local weather

Currency converter 
Yemeni riyal (QAR)

The Yemeni riyal 
Exchange rate, plus fluctuations against the dollar over three and six months [zawya.com]

Yemeni currency
Pictures and details of current coins and banknotes.

Communications in Yemen (Wikipedia)

National flag of Yemen 
Plus historical flags of north and south

National anthem 
Audio and lyrics and sheet music (National Anthems Reference Page). Plus anthems of North Yemen (1962-1978), and North Yemen (1978-1990)

Languages of Yemen
Ethnologue Database

Who's who in Yemen

Historical and political texts relating to Yemen



In the Yemen section


Yemen: Dancing on the Heads of Snakes
by Victoria Clark (2010). Reviews: The Guardian; The Economist. Available from amazon.com and amazon.co.uk


Selected websites

British-Yemeni Society
Latest issue of the society's journal is online now. 

Yemeni Community Association
Sandwell, West Midlands

Images of Yemen
Large collection of colour photographs

Friends of Hadhramaut 
British charity promoting development in Hadhramaut.

American Institute for Yemeni Studies
Numerous articles and book reviews

Socotra  - The Royal Botanic Garden's website




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Last revised on 21 September, 2015