1. The human being
2. The state
3. The economy
4. Defence and security
5. Foreign policy
Allah says in the Qur'an:
"O ye who believe! Bow down, prostrate yourselves,
and adore your Lord; and do good; that ye may prosper. And strive in His cause as ye ought
to strive, (with sincerity and under discipline). He has chosen you, and has imposed no
difficulties on you in religion; it is the cult of your father Abraham. It is he who has
named you Muslims, both before and in this (Revelation); that the Apostle may be a witness
for you, and ye be witness for mankind. So establish regular Prayer, give regular Charity,
and hold fast to God. He is your Protector - the best to protect and the Best to
help" Haj (78:77-78)
God honoured man. He breathed into him something of His
spirit, made him His vicegerent on earth, organised the universe for his benefit, gave him
the unique power of intelligence and provided him with the guidance of the revelations so
that he is able to carry out the trust placed on him and to guide his movement along the
The human being is the pivot and source of the movement of
change in human society. It is impossible for any revival of civilisation or the
realisation of social development without the achievement of development of the human
being - individuals and groups - God's pre-ordained law stated in the revelation and
gleaned from historical experience of humanity. For this, the YIP focuses its programme on
the individual, the family and society. The individual is the core of society and the real
place of work for its institutions. The family and society are the individuals environment
and setting for his growth and development. The individual's good conduct is for the good
of society, and society's good conduct provides for the strengthening of the individuals
good instincts and his tendencies to do good as well as removing the pressures of any bad
(evil) tendencies. The community is responsible for all that God placed in its trust of
individuals, and it is incumbent on the individual to fashion his life and adapt his
environment for good work as well as being responsible to follow the path of the believers
and adhere to the community.
The good, good-inspiring and qualified individual is the
basis of development and revival of civilisation, without whom development is a lost
endeavour. For this reason our programme aims to achieve qualitative step in the
individual's spirit, his understanding and his comprehension which qualifies him to
perform his role and carry out his responsibilities and transform him from the fringes and
ineffectiveness, to effectiveness and presence at the heart of social, political and
economic movement as good reforming catalyst and an effective tool in social change
through the following:
Hone the individual's spiritual energies by consolidating
sound faith in Allah, the one and only God, in his mind and his being and deepening his
faith in Allah and clarifying his view of the universe, man and life so that the
individual comprehends the secret of being and the essence of his responsibility so that
he worships God sincerely and fears Him alone hopefully, and obeys Him and surrenders to
Him all his case willingly. Then the individual will be free from the wishful desires and
the trials of obedience to misguided masters as well as the trials of allegiance and
following wrongfully all the mighty and powerful.
Strengthening the faith-based incentives in the individual
and improving his morals by purifying the natural instincts in him so that the will to do
good in him is stimulated that he may take part in all good works and competes in it. To
further promote in him, also, the willingness to take part in struggle and sacrifice and
the eagerness to seek victory over oppression on ... (And those who, when an oppressive
wrong is inflicted on them - are not cowed but - help and defend themselves) [Qur'an:
Shura 42:39].
Provision of the suitable environment to release the
energies of the individual and his creativity, surrounded by justice and provided with
legal and material protection to ensure his dignity, freedom and rights are adequately
protected. Allowing also for equality of opportunity for the individual to set him free
from the environmental and social pressures, as well as subjugation, deprivation and the
feeling of hopelessness.
Planting the spirit of collective work within the
individual and training him on the practice of shura as well as nurturing the
spiritually-based principles of solidarity by reviving the spirit of brotherhood, with all
its obligations, the spirit of love and the morals of good and preference (upon ones self)
and fighting selfishness.
The physical well being of the individual through complete
health care, provision of the necessities of life (water, food, clothing, shelter and
medicine), controlling the causes of decease and fighting all dangerous hazards that not
only destroy the body of the individual but his mind and spirit as well, such as alcohol
and drugs.
Nurturing the individual's national spirit and promote the
values of belonging to his homeland and nation.
Freeing the individual from the deposits (aftermath) of the
periods of decline, with all that was widespread then - such as superstition, stagnancy,
passivism and dependence - and deepening his understanding of his current period as well
as providing the necessary means to develop the mentality of programming, planning and
Training the individual so as to enable him to participate
in the revival of society and its development rather than being dependent on it.
The family is the first social institution in which the
individual starts life and derives his moral values. Hence, our programme seeks to protect
the family and strengthen the bonds between its members and focus the efforts to support
it so that it fulfill its role as the flowing source that supplies society with good
individuals that are able to build good society and a developed life. This will be carried
through the following.
Promoting good values and morals in the family and
strengthening the pillars of affection, mercy, solidarity and justice among its members
and building the family on the basis of consent, choice and consultation and entrenching
the values of shura in the family.
Protecting the cohesion of the family as a basis for social
cohesion and protection of society from disintegration so that the individual is given the
opportunity to grow in a balanced manner in a secure environment.
Provision of all the conditions that ensure the protection
of the family from corruption, as well as relevant support for the family should it
increase in sise or require such support for any other reason. In so doing the principle
of social solidarity is fulfilled.
Promoting the role of the family within the education
system as well as educating the parents in the importance of this role. Implementing the
plans and programmes which support their nurturing and developmental role in preparing
their children according to the guidance of the Islamic faith.
Strengthening the relationship between the family and the
school, as well as the rest of society with all its institutions, ensuring the
complementary roles of all concerned in providing the appropriate environment which
enables the good upbringing of children and their protection from going astray,
contradiction and INFESAM.
Overcoming obstacles in the way of early marriage.
Give due importance to the programmes of home economics and
training of housewives to enable them to carry out their roles towards their families by
better upbringing of children as well as participation in shouldering other family
responsibilities, such as increasing family income when needed.
Promoting the widespread adoption of the programmes of
income-generating families and transforming the homes to centers of production so that
social welfare is reduced to the minimum.
Protection and welfare of mother-and-baby and the provision
of adequate means to ensure the safe growth and development of the child.
The process of social change and development within
society depends upon its general will, which Allah (swt) made a condition for His will to
support such change ... (Verily never will God change the condition of a people until they
change it themselves), [Al-Read 43:11]. The strength of a society and its effectiveness in
affecting change towards reform and realisation of desired revival depends on the
soundness of the individual and the development of his talents as well as the cohesion of
the family and the effectiveness of its role. The existence of a social system, in which
all its constituent parts work in a complementary and harmonious manner, within the
principles and value system of Islam that motivate towards work and protects the balance
of the individual and community, achieving the highest level of integration and harmony
among members of society. This in turn makes society a solid structure that supports one
another, and one body that has a shared feeling uniting its constituents in happiness and
The YIP works to mobilise society with the values of good
and excellence, build its social structures and organisations, release all its energies
and remove all obstacles from its way, whether psychological or material, so that it
becomes a society that is supportive, shouldering its responsibilities, alert to its
interest, ahead of the authorities in its initiatives, able to organise itself and defend
its achievements and produce organisational structures and mechanisms that facilitate
self-induced movement. A society in which the initiative of the individuals and their
contributions in all their societal activities form the most important social actions.
The existence of a society based on institutions and
excellence and good values is the best guarantor of firm adherence to the democratic shura
and widening popular participation and the best way to safeguard the process of
development from being turned into an elitist monopoly at the expense of the wider sectors
of the population.
Hence, our programme gives special priority to a number of
issues, amongst which are the following:
Deep-rooting the Islamic faith, its principles and rules
within society, and establishing all society's structures and organisations on its
(Islam's) basis.
Affirming society's Arab Islamic identity, defending it
against all that threatens it by deepening its bases and protecting its constituents and
entrenching the feeling of pride in it among all members of society.
Consolidating the foundations and pillars which realise the
strength and coherence of the social fabric of our Yemeni society so that all its social
structures and institutions fit in with the legal and cultural ones. Further more, the
organisational structures should be linked to the value system prevalent in society, so
that awareness, education and moral motivators and legal controls together may work to
fashion the social environment which facilitates the agreeable existence of members of
society with the natural law which Allah ordained for them. This will also help release
their talents, organise their efforts and support their personal and social endeavours.
Promoting high morals within society and spreading values
of excellence within it and developing its noble traditions and values.
Protect general morals, fortify society against vice and
rid it of all damaging practices or traditions and fighting all aspects of corruption.
Achieve justice in society as the most important mean of
protecting cohesion and balance of society.
Provision of welfare services which would secure, to all
members of society, their right to medical care, education, security, shelter and
livelihood, and in doing so realising an honorable standard of living on the basis of
securing due rights and fulfilling obligations.
Consolidation of unity among members of society and
strengthening social cohesion through faith and common interest together with the bonds of
neighborhood and kinship, and by doing so liberating society from the detested
sectarianism which tears it apart and weakens it.
Activating and strengthening faith-based motivators which
make society assume its unique responsibilities, and deepening its awareness of it and its
consequences. Implanting the motivating values for work and production and considering it
a worship worthy of Allah's reward. Work is an assured right and a responsibility leading
to a productive and self-sustaining society.
Deepening the values of shura and promoting its wider
practice in society, as well as ensuring a climate of political freedom enabling popular
participation in development to take place.
Guaranteeing society's right to organise itself, and
strengthening its institutions in all aspects of spiritual, cultural, social and economic
activity. Providing the appropriate climate which enables the mechanisms of social
solidarity to operate in an organised manner ensuring the mobilisation of society to
achieve the necessary social transition and attaining the desired progress.
Adhering to the principle of social planning in order to
avoid the negative results of random social development.
Continued ... |