Arab journalism codes

Algeria (2000)
Egypt (1972)
Egypt (1983)
Iraq (1969)

Lebanon (1974)
Morocco (1995)
Saudi Arabia (1982)
Tunisia (1975)



Adopted by a conference of Algerian journalists and the Syndicat National des Journalistes (SNJ), Algiers, Maison de la presse, Tahar Djaout, 13 April, 2000

Le journaliste professionnel, quel que soit son statut, est celui qui a pour occupation principale, régulière et rétribuée l'exercice de sa profession dans un ou plusieurs médias et qui en tire le principal de ses ressources. Le droit à l'information, à la libre expression et à la critique est une des libertés fondamentales qui participent de la défense de la démocratie et du pluralisme médiatique. De ce droit, à connaître et faire connaître les faits et les opinions, procède l'ensemble des devoirs et des droits des journalistes.

La responsabilité du journaliste vis-à-vis du public prime toute autre responsabilité, en particulier à l'égard de son employeur et des pouvoirs publics. La mission d'information comporte nécessairement des limites que les journalistes s'imposent et s'appliquent librement. Tel est l'objet dé la déclaration des devoirs formulés ici. Mais les devoirs ne peuvent être effectivement respectés dans l'exercice de la profession que si les conditions concrètes de l'indépendance du journaliste sont réunies. Tel est l'objet de la déclaration des droits qui suit. Ni loi qui contraint et réprime ni code qui impose et astreint, cette charte de l'éthique et de la déontologie définit un ensemble de règles de conduite basées sur des principes universellement admis. Celles-ci régissent les rapports des journalistes entre eux et entre ces derniers et le public. Librement acceptées et démocratiquement adoptées, ces règles doivent servir de guide de conduite à la pratique du journalisme.

Un conseil supérieur de l'éthique et de la déontologie composé de pairs veille au respect de ces principes.

Le journaliste se fait un devoir de:

  1. Respecter la vérité quelles qu'en puissent être les conséquences, pour lui-même et ce, en raison du droit que le publie à de la connaître.

  2. Défendre la liberté d'information, d'opinion, du commentaire et de la critique.

  3. Séparer l'information du commentaire.

  4. Respecter la vie privée des personnes et leur droit à l'image.

  5. Publier uniquement les informations vérifiées. S'interdire d'altérer l'information. S'efforcer de relater les faits en les situant dans leur contexte.

  6. S'interdire de diffuser des rumeurs.

  7. Rectifier toute information diffusée qui se révèle inexacte.

  8. Garder le secret professionnel et ne pas divulguer ses sources.

  9. S'interdire le plagiat la calomnie, la diffamation et les accusation sans fondement.

  10. Ne pas confondre le métier de journaliste avec celui de publicitaire ou de propagandiste ; n'accepter aucune consigne, directe ou indirecte, des annonceurs.

  11. N'accepter de directive rédactionnelle que des respondables de la rédaction et dans le strict respect de la clause de conscience.

  12. S'interdire de faire l'apologie, sous quelque forme que ce soit, de la violence, du terrorisme, du crime, du fanatisme, du racisme, du sexisme et de l'intolérance.

  13. Tout journaliste digne de ce nom, reconnaissant le droit en vigueur dans chaque pays, n'accepte en matière d'honneur professionnel que la juridiction de ses pairs, à l'exclusion de toute ingérence gouvernementale ou autre.

  14. S'interdire de tirer une quelconque faveur d'une situation où sa qualité de journaliste, ses influences et ses relations seraient susceptibles d'être exploitées.

  15. Ne pas solliciter la place d'un confrère, ne pas provoquer son licenciement ou sa rétrogradation en offrant de travailler à des conditions inférieures.

  16. Ne pas confondre son rôle avec celui du juge ou du policier.

  17. Respecter la présomption d'innocence.

  18. Ne pas user de méthodes déloyales, pour obtenir des informations des photographies et des documents.

Le journaliste a le droit:

  1. Au libre accès à toutes les sources d'information et le droit d'enquêter librement sur tous les faits qui conditionnent la vie publique. On ne peut lui refuser l'accès aux sources que par exception et en vertu de motifs dûment exprimés.

  2. A la clause de conscience.

  3. A l'information de toute décision importante de nature à affecter la vie de l'entreprise.

  4. A un statut professionnel.

  5. A la formation continue et au perfectionnement dans le cadre de son travail.

  6. A des conditions socioprofessionnelles nécessaires à l'exercice de son métier. A un contrat personnel dans le cadre des conventions collectives garantissant la sécurité matérielle et l'indépendance économique.

  7. A la reconnaissance et au bénéfice du droit d'auteur.

  8. Respect du produit journalistique et la fidélité de son contenu.

Source: El-Watan, April 20, 2000, p. 9

EGYPT (1972)


Adopted in 1972

We, Egyptian journalists, Believing in the positive role played by the national press throughout the long struggle of the Egyptian people, by giving expression to its aspirations, sharing its sufferings and supporting its great movement for liberation from all forms of exploitation and oppression,
Convinced that the press should continue to fulfill the constructive mission it has shouldered in its march alongside the Revolution of 23 July 1952, supporting its political and social endeavour and protecting its progressive achievements in the service of Egyptian and Arab masses and its promise of fulfilment to their legitimate hopes and aspirations,
Emphasizing the importance and the seriousness of the responsibility of the press to be a true mirror of society, and a source of guidance and leadership in the service of the basic Principles formulated by the Egyptian people in its long struggle for liberation,
Firmly believing that the press should remain, by truth alone, a weapon in the hands of the people, that its freedom can only exist with the people's support and as an extension of its freedom, and that it should serve the interests of the working masses as expressed in their solidarity within the Arab Socialist Union,

That the ethics of journalistic work are not a function of good performance alone, but derive primarily from the honourable objective served by the published word. The word which is not committed to the service of our people's progress is a word devoid of honour, and the honour of commitment in press work can only be achieved when that work is a conscious choice, independent of all kinds of tutelage, censorship, orientation and containment;
That independent undertaking by the press of its role, on its own social responsibility in the service of the people and under its sole control, is the prime condition of honourable performance and responsibility in journalistic work; and
On the basis of this statement, in fulfilment by the journalists, individually and collectively, of their responsibility, and in implementation of Article 72 of Law No. 76/1970 on the Establishment of the Press Syndicate, which makes it incumbent upon every journalist to adhere to his professional conduct to the principles of honour, honesty and impartiality, and to the ethics and traditions of the profession,


  1. Our total adherence to the basic instruments which guide the struggle of the Egyptian people, particularly the Charter of National Action (1962), the Declaration of 30 March (1968) and the Programme of National Action (1971), and to all the principles and objectives defined therein, and, within this adherence, we emphasize the following principles in particular :

    1. Preservation, free from usurpation, occupation and subservience ;

    2. Pursuit of the evolution towards socialism as a system and a way of life and social behaviour;

    3. Democracy as the only healthy and sound framework for practising political liberties, foremost among which are the freedom of the word of expression and of opinion;

    4. Spiritual values as an essential component of the cultural and intellectual heritage of the Egyptian people, and as a motive force for its struggle;

    5. Building up of Arab Egypt as a historical truth and as a necessity of its future and destiny ;

    6. Alliance with the forces of progressive revolution all over the world, given that the Arab revolution, led by the Egyptian people, is an integral part of the international struggle for freedom and socialism ;

    7. Promotion of world peace and international co-operation in line with the United Nations Charter and international conventions and agreements ;

    8. Defence of the freedom of the press against any encroachment, and the indictment of anyone who accepts such an encroachment or takes part therein ; this being in confirmation of the right of the working masses, and especially the workers, peasants and intellectuals, to know the whole truth and freely express their opinion;

  2. Our full commitment not to obtain, or try to obtain, information or facts except by legitimate means, to transmit them truthfully and honestly to the masses and to protect the press against any deviation from professional ethics and against any prejudice to the interests of the working masses, who are the real proprietors of the press. This commitment shall include abstention from publishing doubtful information, misrepresenting correct information, attributing words or deeds to any person or party without adequate verification or adding statements to those made by any person or party without his authorization ;

  3. Our full commitment to assist the administration of justice in its investigations and proceedings, by publishing all facts, information and opinions related to an open investigation or to a trial in process without any partiality to or against the accused in criminal cases or the contending parties in civil cases, without prejudice, however, to the right of the journalist to comment on the event from the viewpoint of the public. We also adhere to the obligation not to publish the names or photographs of minors accused or arraigned for trial, so as to protect their future careers and facilitate their reformation and return to the fold of society. Publication by the papers of crime news shall also avoid sensational and exaggerated reporting ;

  4. Our total commitment not to exploit the profession for the purpose of obtaining without legal right any personal benefits of any kind, or use the rights of journalists to write and publish for supporting, without clear and objective reasons, any side in any issue dealt with by the press. We also undertake not to publish the photographs of nonpublic figures on other than public occasions without their prior agreement ;

  5. Our total adherence to the principle that every journalist shall bear, jointly with the editor-in-chief, the entire responsibility for the facts, information or opinions he publishes, and our rejection of any attempt to shirk this responsibility on the pretence that publication had been in execution of instructions emanating from any party whatever outside the press ;

  6. Our full commitment to respect the reputation of the family, and of individuals, and the privacy of the citizens' personal life, except in so far as related to and bearing on public life. This shall imply the obligation to refrain from publishing personal and/or family scandals likely to weaken or sever social ties ;

  7. Our full commitment to publish, upon request from the party concerned, corrections to previously published information, without prejudice to the right of the journalist to comment thereon, in explanation of his point of view on the subject ;

  8. Our total adherence to strict objectivity in whatever we write and publish ; this being particularly applicable to criticism of anything relating to public figures, which may have an adverse effect on the discharge of their responsibilities and duties towards the Nation ;

  9. Our full commitment to see to it that all advertisements and publicity are in accordance with the general principles of society and of the mission of the press as defined in this Charter. This shall make it imperative to ensure complete dissociation of writing activities from publicity activities. We hereby state, therefore, our commitment not to engage in publicity work. We also undertake, in publicizing political information or views provided by foreign bodies for that purpose, to ensure that they do not run counter to national policy, and that the charges for publishing them are in accordance with the established rates, so as to preclude the possibility of the advertisement becoming a vehicle of indirect subsidy from foreign countries. Furthermore, we undertake to respect copyright obligations in our periodicals and other publications, and to mention the source of wathever we cite or quote.

  10. Our full commitment to guard professional secrets and reject any pressure to divulge them, it being clearly understood that the secrets kept by any journalist are an integral part of the professional secrets which cannot be revealed.

In order to enable journalists to respect all the commitments they have taken upon themselves and to play their full role free from all restrictions while accepting the responsibility imposed by such freedom, we demand :

  1. Clear definition of the relationship between press institutions and the Arab Socialist Union as an embodiment of solidarity among the working masses, and the agent through which these masses own the press institutions. This definition should be such as to allow the press to be a true instrument of expression for all the working masses, without domination or control, being obliged only to adhere to the general political line of the Arab Socialist Union. No position of leadership in the press shall be occupied by anyone against whom socialist measures have been taken in compliance with the will of the working masses or in confirmation of their rights ;

  2. Non-interference by the executive and administrative authorities in the direction, orientation or administration of the press, whether this interference be through the imposition of direct censorship on the press, issuing instructions of any kind thereto or in any other form ; such interference shall be regarded as a violation of the rights of the working masses ;

  3. Full respect of and adherence to Law 76/1970, regulating disciplinary measures for journalists. Journalists should not be discharged, transferred to non-journalistic jobs, demoted, barred from performing their work in any way or subjected to any penalty except within the framework of the Law of their Syndicate and by the authority designated to take the disciplinary measures provided for in that Law. Consequently, no outside authority shall interfere in the affairs of journalists, and regulations should be drawn up to determine the relationships between journalists within their institutions ;

  4. Definition and regulation of the role of advertising in a way which is compatible with the conditions and circumstances of a society in process of transformation into a socialist one and struggling for liberation from economic exploitation, and precludes the possibility of publicity becoming a means of pressure on the press and consequently of dominating it ;

  5. The obligation of all the responsible authorities to supply all the facts, information and data available to them to the journalists who ask for them, so as to ensure the right of the masses to know all the facts and be informed of all affairs ;

  6. Elimination of all obstacles and restrictions barring journalists from access to external sources of information, by making these sources available and removing, for the benefit of journalists, the censorship imposed on foreign papers and periodicals ;

  7. Ensuring the right of journalists to cover any event of international importance on the site of the event regardless of the nature of the State's official relations with the country where it has occured ;

  8. Recognition of the journalist's right to express his own point of view, regardless of differences in ideological orientation, provided that such expression does not run counter to the principles enunciated in the four political instruments already mentioned in this Charter ;

  9. The board of the Press Syndicate shall contact the competent authorities with a view to implementing these demands and having them officially proclaimed by the President of the Arab Socialist Union ;

  10. We also declare that any violation of the provisions of this Charter after its issue shall be considered a deviation from the ethics of the profession, and the Syndicate's Board shall take against the offender the disciplinary measures provided for in Law No. 76/1970 on the establishment of the Press Syndicate.

Source: Jones, Clement J. 1980: Mass Media Codes of Ethics and Councils. Paris: UNESCO Press, p. 67-69

EGYPT (1983)


Adopted by the Supreme Council of the Press in Egypt, 1983

We, the Egyptian Journalists, believing in the glory of the journalistic profession and the connection between journalists' consciousness and the consciousness of public opinion, are honoured to declare this Charter and to be committed to it.


  1. The Concept of Journalism is tied to freedom of the press under the sole supervision of the people.

  2. Protecting the honour of the press is a right that cannot be separated from defending the liberties that have been granted by the constitution for the individual and the public. Defending the right of comradeship and its dignity among journalists is inseparable from the honour of the press.

  3. The activities of journalists should be based on telling the truth and on loyalty to the country, the people, the land and the country's history, freedom, honour, value, principles and interests.

  4. The truthful written word and the other kinds of press media belonging to it is the responsibility of journalists. They are entitled to defend it as they defend the honour of their profession on grounds of justice and supremacy of law. It is a trust that should respect all liberties and virtues of the Egyptian family.

  5. The protection of public opinion and public taste from harm is a journalistic sacred duty.

  6. The dignity of the journalist stems from the dignity of his country and profession.

These six fundamental points of the honour of the press require commitment to the following:

  1. Journalists, senior or junior, are prohibited from harming each other personally, depriving each other of their rights, not allowing each other to perform their professional duties or forcing them to say or do anything that might affect their journalistic and social character, including the right to keep their sources undisclosed.

  2. The journalist should be committed to the rights of the citizen, above all his right to information. He should not conceal from the citizens relevant facts he knows, nor should he exaggerate them. He should present the facts complete without distortion. This covers the citizen's right to maintain his dignity and riot to harm his reputation by a news item, drawing or picture with the aim of slandering or passing judgement oil him before being sentenced by a court of law.

  3. The journalist should not benefit from his job illegally or be biased in whatever he publishes, to the extent that he might not be objective.

  4. News and commentaries transmitted to citizens should be authentic and far from reprisals, or the sowing of unjustified doubt. Published words in any exchange of views should be honest

  5. The journalist's responsibility is complete, he should not throw it on the shoulders of the editor-in-chief, claiming that he was only obeying orders.

The journalist enjoys the following privileges:

  1. The right to express his opinion and respect the opinions of others in accordance with the law.

  2. To protect himself from any material or moral aggression.

  3. The right to obtain correct information that the nature of his job might require.

  4. The right to disclose those who may deceive him by providing false news and information and those who might deny their earlier words because of fear so that they may be called to account before the authorities.

  5. He should be insured against plagiarism.

  6. The right to enjoy in full the rights guaranteed to him by laws, stipulations and professional traditions.

The implementation of this charter depends on the consideration that the principles of this charter are a trust on the consciousness of the journalists.

Source: Nordenstreng, Kaarle (Ed.) 1989: Journalist: Status, Rights and Responsibility. Prague: International Organization of Journalists, p. 169-170



The Iraqi Syndicate Law 178 of 1969 has included rules of professional ethics inspired by the resolutions of the Second Congress of the Federation of Arab Journalists, convened in Cairo, February 1968. Article 25 of the law says that the member should not

  1. Violate or hinder the implementation of the Syndicate Law, its bylaws or the orders issued in accordance with them.

  2. Practice the profession without renewal of his membership in the Syndicate in accordance with the law.

  3. Use any ways or means to gain illegal profit.

  4. Discredit the profession or disclose his sources.

  5. Harm the senior or junior members of the media, block their lawful moral or material rights or assign them to private or public tasks that might lead them to break this law.

  6. Threaten citizens by methods using the press.

  7. Make any declaration or suggestion that might benefit an enemy at the expense of the country.

  8. Undermine the confidence of the country, directly or indirectly.

  9. Misuse the press media for gossip, slander or accusation of citizens without any right or patriotic and legal justification.

  10. Abuse the print press media and illustrations for personal gains that harm others and claim other's identity, ideas or work.

  11. Instigate the instincts of the public by any means that contradict the journalistic art and the interests of society.

  12. Violate legal, private and public liberties guaranteed by law, through the use of the press.

  13. Misguide public opinion by publishing wrong and distorted information.

  14. Publish unconfirmed reports.

  15. Take sides in a case where the verdict was not announced by the authorities concerned.

  16. Publish wrong information and statements and omit to correct them as soon as the facts are known. The right of reply is sacred.

  17. Use others' excerpts without mentioning the writer or the source.

Source: Nordenstreng, Kaarle (Ed.) 1989: Journalist: Status, Rights and Responsibility. Prague: International Organization of Journalists, p.176



The General Assembly of the Press Syndicate in The Lebanon has approved this legacy at the extraordinary meeting of the 4 February 1974

The Lebanese press, being proud of its glorious history which is rich with struggle and martyrdom for the cause of the country and the citizen, a history, that is intertwined with the history of free thought and national and popular struggle, is pleased to declare - as part of the ethics of the profession - the overall principles of behaviour that were set forth by its pioneers; the pioneers who established the ethics, customs and tradition of the profession. The profession has been committed, since its establishment, to these principles which have become stronger than laws and resolutions. The Lebanese press would like to reiterate these principles in order to end disputes concerning the grounds for practising the profession:

  1. The newspaper is an institution that renders a cultural, social, patriotic, national and humanitarian public service. However, it also has a commercial and industrial character. Through practicing its own freedom it is also committed to defend this freedom and civil liberties.

  2. The responsibility of the periodical is not confined to respecting the law alone, but also to respecting professional conscience and the reader

  3. The newspaper should be committed to truth, honesty, accuracy and the principle of not disclosing sources.

  4. The periodical is a forum belonging to the readers, who enjoy the right to express their views and the right to reply.

  5. The newspaper has to mobilize public opinion in defence of the country, right and justice, and resist aggression and unjust force.

  6. Periodicals should avoid fanaticism and inciting sentiments and differences as well as slanders and insults.

  7. Distorted news are not fit to be published.

  8. Groundless accusations and lies degrade the press.

  9. The paper should avoid publishing unconfirmed news, unless stated as such.

  10. The periodical should avoid publishing materials that can encourage vice or crime.

  11. The press respects the reputation of the individual and preserves his dignity. It should not pry into his private life.

  12. Defamation, exaggeration and black-mail are characteristics of a 'yellow press', unknown to the Lebanese profession.

  13. Campaigns of character assination degrade the profession.

  14. A paper should not use illegal methods to get news and secrets.

  15. Public interests is paramount and comes before the success or continuation of the paper.

The Lebanese press, which is proud of these ethical bases, is proud that it has presented this Charter of Honour and which the Arab journalists have adopted. It is, also, proud that it contributes towards recording the history of its time, shaping public opinion and volunteering to perform a message or a role in the practice of democracy and the defence of public interests.

Source: Nordenstreng, Kaarle (Ed.) 1989: Journalist: Status, Rights and Responsibility. Prague: International Organization of Journalists, p.174-175



Adopted by Syndicat National de la Presse Marocaine (SNPM)

Dans le but de consolider la profession des journalistes, et pour préserver sa dignité, le Syndicat National de la Presse Marocaine a adopté une charte déontologique qui engage les directeurs et les journalistes, et l'adhésion au S.N.P.M. implique le respect de cette charte.

  1. Le journaliste puise ses fondements de l'honneur de la profession, des principes de la liberté d'expression et des droits de l'homme.

  2. Il s'engage de rechercher la vérité, à en informer fidèlement l'opinion publique, par respect au droit du citoyen à l'information.

  3. Il s'engage de respecter les sources d'information et de ne pas plagier les articles et travaux des confrères.

  4. Il ne doit jamais confondre un travail journalistique et un travail, publicitaire.

  5. Il évite la diffamation et les allègations mensongères

  6. Il respecte la pluralité des idées.

  7. Il refuse toute intervention non professionnelle et repousse toute convoitise à même de porter atteinte à l'honneur de la profession.

  8. Il se solidarise avec ses confrères et les soutient en cas de poursuite ou persécution conséquente à l'exercice honorable de la profession.

  9. Il défend la dignité de la profession contre toute forme d'exploitation.

Source: Organisation Marocaine des Droits del 'Homme (OMDM) / Article 19, Rabat, London. 1995, p. 296-297



Adopted by Council of Ministers in 1982 (Excerpt)

  • According to the guidelines in the information charter, the mass media in Saudi Arabia oppose destructive, trends, atheistic tendencies, materialistic philosophies and attempts to divert Muslims from their faith.

  • Freedom of expression is guaranteed within the framework of Islamic and national objectives and values.

  • Facts should be presented to the public objectively, without exaggeration or polemics. Likewise, pressmen should observe their code of ethics, work with honor and stay away from whatever may sow dissension or create, hatred and spite.

  • The Saudi information's foreign policy adopts a humane attitude and fully respects the right of man to live in freedom on his national soil. It denounces every assault of whatever kind on the rights of peoples and individuals and combats expansionist designs. It also promotes right and justice, champions the cause of peace and stands against injustice and racial discrimination.

  • Other guidelines include the promotion of the idea of obedience to God, His Messenger, parents and guardians and the preservation of the established order. The media will also work to push forward the wheel of development by cooperating with specialized institutions in this field.

  • Saudi mass media will protect the higher interests of Arabs and Muslims, in general, and the country's nationals in particular, backing facts with documentary evidence and reliable references.

  • They will highlight, at home and abroad, Saudi Arabia's unique and characteristic personality and show that the security and stability enjoyed by the country's citizens have no other reason but the adoption of Islam and Sharia as the Kingdom's sole constitution. Equally highlighted will be the burden willingly shouldered by Saudi Arabia as the custodian and servant of the Islamic shrines.

  • The state, information policy also, aims at acquainting Saudis with their country and their brothers who live in this vast land to inject in thew a sense of cohesion and integration. Programs will have to be based on scientific and well-studied principles presented by specialists.

  • While recognizing that women are men's sisters, the media will observe in their programs the nature of women and the role she is called to play in society without that role conflicting with such nature. Special attention will also be devoted to the youths, especiaIly during the precarious teenage period. Their problems will be dealt with in a way as to avoid their deviation from the right path.

  • The press, radio and television will also lay stress on the Kingdom's rich heritage and, in cooperation, with educational and social institutions, promote the use of correct and pure literary Arabic language. Plays will have to be presented in literary Arabic and gradually popular programs will also be conducted in literary Arabic. Special care will be taken of the eradication of illiteracy and the teaching of Arabic to non-Arabic speaking people.

Source: Arab News (19.10.1982)



Adopted by the Association of Tunisian Journalists, 1975

The journalist pledges to act to seek the truth and to make it known to public opinion, within the limits of information available to him/her.

  • The journalist pledges to defend the freedom of the press and to refuse any assignment contrary to the deontology and the honour of the profession.

  • The journalist shall refrain from signing articles of an advertising character. He also refrains from writing advertising articles in the form of news information.

  • The journalist shall accept no gifts or special favours when on professional assignment.

  • The journalist shall refrain from taking advantage of his/her capacity as journalist or of his/her attributions to serve private interests.

  • The journalist is obliged to quote the authors of passages he/she reprints in his/her writings and shall not resort to plagiarism.

  • The journalist shall refrain from communicating any fictitious address, quality or information.

  • The journalist shall respect the views of his/her colleagues and shall refrain from slandering them. He/she shall behave in a spirit of tolerance towards those who do not share his/her views.

  • The journalist shall abstain from being responsible, as a result of his/her conduct of any kind, for professional prejudices to his/her colleagues. He/she shall also abstain from causing his/her colleagues, as a result of his/her conduct, to be deprived of the possibility to practice their profession.

  • The journalist shall pledge to act so as to implement effective solidarity among the members of the professional community. He/she is bound to refuse to take over any professional position refused by a colleague of his/her by accepting worse conditions and lower wages than those proposed to his/her colleague.

  • The journalist shall assume the responsibility of all that is published under his/her signature and with his/her consent. He/she shall refrain from claiming the authorship or from signing the articles he/she has not written.

  • The journalist shall refuse any partial or total alteration of his/her views and writings.

  • The journalist shall respect professional secrecy and shall refuse to divulge his/her sources of information.

Source: Nordenstreng, Kaarle (Ed.) 1989: Journalist: Status, Rights and Responsibility. Prague: International Organization of Journalists, p.177-178