Submissions to the ICC regarding arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant

In May 2024, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) asked the court to issue warrants for the arrest of Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu, foreign minister Yoav Gallant and three Hamas officials on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Before making a decision on the warrants, the court took the unprecedented step of agreeing to consider 63 submissions on the merits of the case from a diverse collection of states, organisations and individuals. None of them were direct participants in the case and were making submissions as amici curiae – "friends of the court".

The court set a maximum length of 10 pages for each submission, with a delivery deadline of August 6.

Below is a list of the approved "friends of the court", with links to the submissions published on the ICC website. The prosecutor issued a "consolidated response" to the submissions on August 23.


  1. Argentina

  2. Brazil

  3. Chile and Mexico

  4. Colombia

  5. Congo (DRC)

  6. Czech Republic

  7. Germany

  8. Hungary

  9. Ireland

  10. Norway

  11. Palestine

  12. South Africa, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Comoros, and Djibouti

  13. Spain

  14. United States of America


  1. Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association

  2. Al-Haq Law in the Service of Mankind (Al-Haq), Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights (Al-Mezan) and the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR)

  3. Al-Quds Human Rights Clinic and Al-Quds University

  4. ALMA – Association for the Promotion of International Humanitarian Law

  5. Arab Organisation for Human Rights UK (AOHR UK)

  6. Association des Juristes pour le Respect du Droit International and Fédération Internationale pour les Droits Humains

  7. Avocats pour la Justice au Proche-Orient (AJPO)

  8. Canadian Union of Jewish Students (CUJS) and the World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS)

  9. Centre for European Legal Studies on Macro-Crime (MACROCRIMES)

  10. Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs

  11. European Centre for Law & Justice

  12. Guernica 37 Chambers

  13. High Level Military Group

  14. Hostages and Missing Families Forum and the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights

  15. ICJ Norway and Defend International Law

  16. International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists

  17. International Centre of Justice for Palestinians and the Centre for Human Rights Law (SOAS University of London)

  18. International Commission of Jurists

  19. Israel Bar Association

  20. Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs and the Institute for NGO Research

  21. Jerusalem Institute of Justice

  22. Law for Palestine

  23. Lawyers for Palestinian Human Rights

  24. League of Arab States

  25. Open Society Justice Initiative, European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, REDRESS Trust, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International

  26. Organisation of Islamic Cooperation

  27. Palestine Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR)

  28. The Hague Initiative for International Cooperation

  29. The Palestinian Association for Human Rights (witness)

  30. Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust

  31. UK Lawyers for Israel, B’nai B’rith UK, the International Legal Forum, the Jerusalem Initiative and the Simon Wiesenthal Centre

  32. University Network for Human Rights, International Human Rights Clinic, Boston University School of Law, International Human Rights Clinic, Cornell Law School and the Lowenstein Human Rights Project, Yale Law School

* Additional submission by United Nations Mandate Holders of the Human Rights Council


  1. Arpit Batra (independent attorney)

  2. Assistant Professor Halla Shoaibi and Professor Asem Khalil

  3. Dr Robert Heinsch and Dr Giulia Pinzauti

  4. Dr Shahd Hammouri

  5. Mr and Mrs Serge and Beate Klarsfeld

  6. Mr Eli M. Rosenbaum

  7. Professor Adil Ahmad Haque

  8. Professor David Chilstein

  9. Professor John Quigley

  10. Professor Neve Gordon

  11. Professor Richard Falk and Professor Michael Lynk

  12. Professor Sascha Dominik Dov Bachman, Dr Deborah Mayersen, Professor Gregory Rose and Dr Colin Rubenstein

  13. Professor Steven E. Zipperstein

  14. Professor William Schabas

  15. Professors Yuval Shany and Amichai Cohen

  16. UN Special Rapporteurs and Working Groups

  17. US Senator Lindsey O. Graham