Archive: yemen

29th September 2009
By: Brian Whitaker
Violence flared in southern Yemen yesterday after a month of relative quiet.  Reuters reports that shelling and gunfire between security forces and southern separatists continued for over an hour in Zinjibar (Abyan province) around the house of a relative ofTariq al-Fadhli, the self-declared leader… Read more
28th September 2009
By: Brian Whitaker
A headline at Almotamar, the Yemeni ruling party's website, announces: "UK confirms its stand by Yemen in facing up the rebellion". Displaying the British and Yemeni flags side by side, it announces that Britain is "ready to increase its development aid to Yemen" and that "the United Kingdom will… Read more
27th September 2009
By: Brian Whitaker
Two Saudi al-Qaeda suspects have been killed in the fighting in northern Yemen, al-Hayat newspaper reported yesterday. One of the dead men, Fahd Saleh Sulaiman al-Jatili, aged 27, was No 62 (out of 85) on the kingdom's most-wanted list. The name of the other man has not been disclosed but he is… Read more
24th September 2009
By: Brian Whitaker
Food is running out for tens of thousands of civilians displaced by the conflict in northern Yemen, the UN warned yesterday. "The continuation of hostilities, the failure of the truce and the closure of roads has prevented humanitarian agencies from coming to the aid of the displaced," spokeswoman… Read more
22nd September 2009
By: Brian Whitaker
Amnesty International has called on the Yemeni authorities to “clarify the whereabouts” of journalist Muhammad al-Maqalih, who was seized by plain-clothed men last Thursday. “Amnesty International suspects his apparent disappearance is the result of his strong opposition and criticism of the… Read more
21st September 2009
By: Brian Whitaker
The Yemeni army says it killed more than 140 Houthi rebels in Saada city yesterday in "the fiercest" fighting since Operation Scorched Earth began on August 11. The rebels attacked at 3.00 am from three directions in an attempt to capture the government's regional headquarters, but the army foiled… Read more
19th September 2009
By: Brian Whitaker
The Yemeni government last night declared a temporary truce in its war with the Houthi rebels for the duration of the Eid al-Fitr holiday, according to the German Press Agency. Whether it will take hold remains to be seen. A similar unilateral ceasefire declared a couple of weeks ago lasted only a… Read more
17th September 2009
By: Brian Whitaker
Attacks by warplanes reportedly killed as many as 87 displaced civilians in northern Yemen yesterday. Details are sketchy but the Associated Press report cites several witnesses to the large number of casualties. Human Rights Watch, which has called for an investigation, said in a statement: The… Read more
15th September 2009
By: Brian Whitaker
Under the headline "Areas outside state control", the Yemen Post has published a round-up of the country's multiple security problems, noting that in most governorates, the state controls only the main cities. Some key points: Bani Dhabian, Sanaa: "Bani Dhabian is a tribal district… Read more
13th September 2009
By: Brian Whitaker
"Operation Scorched Earth" against the Houthi rebels in Yemen has been going on for a month now, with no end in sight. The government media continues with its vague reports of military successes and "heavy losses" inflicted on the rebels (the latter may well be true).  The military are said to be "… Read more