Archive: yemen

16th August 2009
By: Brian Whitaker
The international dimension of Yemen’s Houthi rebellion came to the fore yesterday when Iranian media reported claims of Saudi military involvement. Yahya al-Houthi (a brother of the rebels’ dead leader) told Iran’s semi-official Fars News Agency that Saudi Arabia “has gone so far as to deploy… Read more
14th August 2009
By: Brian Whitaker
An update on events in Yemen. The governor of Saada province says Houthi rebels have kidnapped 15 Red Crescent workers – doctors, nurses and administrators – at a camp for displaced people in al-Anad district. Speaking on state-run television, he said they were blindfolded, beaten and abducted at… Read more
14th August 2009
By: Brian Whitaker
For a second consecutive day, Yemeni warplanes continued their bombardment of Saada province on Thursday. Various reports speak of “dozens” of casualties.  The Houthi rebels issued a video said to have been recorded in Haidan on Wednesday. One scene shows smoke rising above the town – presumably… Read more
13th August 2009
By: Brian Whitaker
The Yemeni authorities have declared a state of emergency throughout Saada province and imposed an evening curfew on Saada city and surrounding towns, the German Press Agency (dpa) reports. Casualties in the government’s new “iron fist” offensive are unclear but dpa and Associated Press both cite… Read more
12th August 2009
By: Brian Whitaker
“Broad offensive”, “iron fist”, “all-out onslaught” … the news agencies are reporting a large-scale government attack on the Houthi rebels (Reuters and dpa) in northern Yemen.  The army launched “aerial, artillery and missile strikes on the strategic heights of Matra and Dhahian, the two main… Read more
11th August 2009
By: Brian Whitaker
Despite mediation efforts, the Houthi rebellion in northern Yemen shows no sign of abating. President Salih, speaking at a meeting of Yemen’s Supreme Security Committee, warned the rebels “that the continuation of their assaults and attempts to disturb public security and tranquillity would only… Read more
7th August 2009
By: Brian Whitaker
A five-sentence news item on the Islah party’s website, under the rather inconsequential headline “MP urges Yemeni president to step down”, says that the opposition member of parliament Hamid al-Ahmar has called on President Salih to hand over power to Vice-President Abdu Rabo Mansour Hadi. This… Read more
6th August 2009
By: Brian Whitaker
Official sources in Yemen said yesterday that “outlaws” planted two bombs outside government buildings in Abyan province. One exploded near a police building, blowing a hole in a fence. A larger device consisting of a mine and a timer was defused near the Central Organisation for Control and… Read more
5th August 2009
By: Brian Whitaker
NewsYemen says three soldiers died when Houthi rebels attacked a hospital in Sakain area on Monday and 13 rebels were killed in al-Hesama district close to the Saudi border yesterday. NewsYemen adds that farmers are suffering from the conflict. Roadblocks set up by the army and the rebels prevent… Read more
4th August 2009
By: Brian Whitaker
Mediation by a tribal leader from the Socialist Party has secured a truce between Houthi rebels and armed supporters of the Islah Party in al-Jawf province (north-eastern Yemen), according to the Yemen Observer. The Shi’a and Sunni rivals had been fighting for a couple of weeks with light and… Read more